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Weed Can Make Your Problems Stick Around

School, work, relationships, money, the future … there’s a lot to stress about these days. Weed might seem like an easy way to escape, but in reality, it can make stress and anxiety even harder to manage. See why.

THC Can Mess with Important Brain Connections

THC Enters Your System

It doesn’t matter if you smoke it, vape it, or take an edible. Once THC—the active chemical in weed—enters your bloodstream, it travels around your body and to your brain.

Binds to Brain Receptors

The THC does more to your brain than you may think. It binds to receptors responsible for controlling your emotions, stress, anxiety, fear, and dopamine production.

Makes Stress Harder to Manage

The THC doesn’t stop there. It can overwhelm brain receptors in the endocannabinoid system and prevent them from doing their job. This can affect your stress, anxiety, and even your motivation levels.

Real-Life Effects of Weed

Stress Can Stick Around

Any stress you’re feeling can become harder to manage on your own. That’s because THC can mess with your brain, making it need more weed to deal with stress and anxiety.

Motivation Can Drop

Heavy cannabis use can make you feel less motivated. That’s because THC can interfere with your brain’s ability to make dopamine aka “the happy hormone.”

Deal with Stress in a Way that Helps You Manage It

Work Up a Sweat

Or get some air

Talk It Out

With a friend, parent, or counselor

Journal, draw,

Or jot it down

Take a Break

From the social scroll

Listen to a playlist

Of your favs

Zen out

Take deep breaths or meditate

Everyone Has Their “I Don’t Got This” Moments

If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. Reach out for help with these resources.

California Youth Crisis Line

Here when you need to talk, but don’t want to talk on the phone. Text anytime you’re struggling to get free support from a live, trained crisis counselor.

Available 24/7. Text 800.843.5200 or chat online.

Teen Support Line

No one understands a teen better than another teen. When you need to talk, feel safe and confide in a highly trained teen who will keep your conversation confidential.

Text “Teen” to 839863 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Call 800.852.8336 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Tips. Support. Advice. Learn other ways to cope with stress.

Stress Less with the Right Resources

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Sometimes it’s more than stress. One in five Californians will experience a mental health condition over the course of their lives.